Crow - or, I'll have mine served cold, please

In my last post, "Stalemate", I talked about my new treatment plan. Basically, I complained about it, because I was totally opposed to taking steroids. The first few days after the steroid were about par; nothing had changed and I felt that nothing would. I was impatient and I was - and am - tired of being in pain all the time. I was frustrated and felt that my doctor was not being aggressive enough in treating my RA.

Saturday came - three days after my steroid shot - and I still felt tired and out of sorts. I got up and did a little light cleaning, then went to work for an hour or so before completing the morning by picking up groceries. As usual, I was exhausted by the end of that trip, and so Saturday afternoon I just bummed around the house. I struggled up and down the stairs to do some laundry. At three pm, I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up in thirty minutes. Usually after I sleep on the sofa I'm stiff and have a lot of difficulty moving, but I noticed right away that I was better able to get up and move around. The stairs weren't as painful when I went down to put clothes in the dryer. By Sunday, I felt remarkably better. Sunday afternoon, I played badminton with my daughters. I woke up on Monday morning and I felt incredibly good.

Am I pain-free? No. I still have some stiffness. My fingers still hurt a little. My hips still hurt. But overall I am wonderfully improved. The constant pain that has been with me for so many months is much diminished. After working eight hours today, I stopped by the grocery store, picked up some things for dinner, came home and still had the energy to cook. I couldn't say how long it's been since that happened.

So yeah. I'll take a helping of crow, served cold. Just hold the feathers, please.


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