More waiting

Today is the third day on Plaquenil. Several folks have asked me is it helping yet, and the answer is no. The thing about Plaquenil is it takes anywhere from 2 to 6 months to make a difference in the disease process. So, more waiting. I think the best thing I can say so far is the Plaquenil isn't hurting.


That isn't entirely true. I'm having pretty vicious stomach cramps right after I eat, but they go away within a few minutes. I am having low-grade nausea which is comparable to early stages of morning sickness. On the plus side, it has become much easier to stick with my Weight Watchers eating plan. I have almost no appetite. I do get hungry, but nothing sounds tasty, so I'm just as happy with veggies and hummus as anything else.

I woke up to cloudy skies and impending rain today. I'd had a really good week, RA-wise. I was active, worked every day with little pain, and was even able to sneak in some laundry and exercise. This morning I could barely move. I hobbled to the bathroom and stood under a hot shower for about ten minutes. It felt good, but as soon as the water was off, the throbbing pain in my joints came back. By 10 am my hands and joints were very stiff and swollen. I took Relafen but I can't tell that it's helping. I never can. Supposedly it helps with the inflammation. I wish it helped with pain.

The day's plans went out the window. No church. No shopping. Just sitting and aching and griping. Well, not so much griping. I'm learning to look for what is good, no matter how my body is feeling at the time. Since I can't do what I want today, I can spend the day on homework, binging on home-improvement shows - it's a guilty pleasure, okay? - and writing on this blog. I can spend time being thankful for the Man in my life, who washed the dishes and swept up the accumulated dog hair and was properly sympathetic when I needed him to be. I can look forward to the day when the Plaquenil starts doing it's job and days like today are fewer, and farther between.

Or nonexistent. That would be nice too.


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