When Nothing Works
In August of this year, my doctor finally convinced my insurance company that the traditional TNF blockers like Simponi, Enbrel, and Humira weren't working for me. She prescribed Orencia. It is a once-a-month infusion, and finally - FINALLY - something is working! Is it a perfect cure? No. But I have been able to wean off steroids - I took my last 2.5 mg dose last week. It is taking my body some time to get adjusted to not having that Prednisone boost, but this morning, I woke up with a bit more energy and a bit less stiffness. However, I have been through a year-long odyssey of unabated pain, swelling, and joint deterioration. I started writing about it in July of this year, but it was too depressing to continue, so I let it go. During that year of extreme fatigue and pain, I almost believed that I would never get better; that the dark hollow I found myself inhabiting was the extent of my life. Thankfully, it was not - but I know that there are more valleys and hollows ahead. That...