I'd like to have a nickel for every time I say the words "I'm tired" during the day. If I did, I could probably afford to go on a nice vacation every year. I'm tired is the phrase I say most often, and usually when I say it, I am speaking in relation to my physical state. But sometimes, like today, I mean it in relation to what is going on in the world around me. I'm tired of living as a blue woman in a red state, of pretending to fit in to the general political climate around me. I'm tired of holding on to a pleasant expression when someone comes up to me and tells me, straight-faced, that Sandy Hook and Parkland aren't real and that the mass-shooting in Las Vegas didn't really happen. I'm tired of being taken to task by relatives who disagree with my politics, my faith, and the way I live. I'm tired of people saying that they agree with Trump about immigrants from what he calls "shithole" countries, and then the...